Friday, July 21, 2006

Back from the Grave

Long story short, Tuesday night the computer dies. We try to fix it. We can't fix it. Last night we went and bought a new one. The really sad thing is that absolutely nothing worth mentioning has happened since then.

My brother is throwing me a bachelor "party" at the end of the month and I was thrilled to find out that the whole handful of my friends will be able to make it. I have no idea what this thing consists of, nor am I supposed to, I just know that it will probably not involve booze and it will definitely not involve strippers. My brother and I have always been like night and day. Growing up he was always into sports, school activities, Girbaud jeans, and anything that didn't involve swear words. I, on the other hand, hated sports and school activities, had a closet full of nothing but comic book and rock band t-shirts, and swore like a sailor then and continue the practice to this day. Fuck. See? Don't get me wrong, I do love the guy, in the sense that brothers should, and I am looking forward to seeing him and partaking in this event, I'm just curious to see how well the mixing of family and friends goes. Also, thank you to everyone who agreed to take part in this thing. I appreciate it more that you know and look forward to seeing you next week.


Blogger Mob said...

See you soon, and be advised that the wife and I and a few others may have to throw our own 'bachelor' party for you later in the evening, or at a later date.

Because we're cool like that, and firmly believe that a bachelor party should involve titties.

11:43 PM  
Blogger Corinthian said...

Okay fine. If we have to, we have to. I'll tell them to cash my next paycheck in singles.

5:37 PM  
Blogger Corinthian said...

Hey, Mob, I'm here with the Rob and he wants in on the second party. He'll be contacting you about it in the very near future.

6:27 PM  
Blogger Mob said...


10:33 PM  

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