Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Please don't throw things in the store, sir.

It's been a while since the last blog so let me sum up the past few days. Mob and the wife came in town for the big bachelor weekend which you can read all about on Dear Bastards and Wine When Drunk From A Mug. They both pretty much go through everything worth knowing in detail, so I won't bother with it here. It was really good seeing Mob and Karmen and am so glad they were able to make it down. Sunday night the little woman and I went and saw Clerks II which was bitchin' so I wrote a review for it on Big Suck Loser. I seem to have swiped that one from Mob who was planning on reviewing it also, but he was able to squeeze one out on 2 Minute Movie Reviews.

The really big thing that is going on right now is Lady M and I are going to buy a house. We are going to meet up with Sam tonight and start to finalize everything. This place is in Arlington, which is further from work than I'd like to be, but the house is really nice and in our price range, and I might be able to transfer to another location. I might just look for another job altogether, though, and I'll tell you why.

Thirty minutes before my shift is over, this guy walks in looking for flea treatments for his mutt. I take him over to the proper aisle and show him the variety of products we have available. He thanks me and I walk back to he front of the store where an old co-worker has walked in and I strike a conversation with him. A few minutes later the guy is wandering around the front area looking perturbed. I ask if he needs anything else and he goes on about how the girl at the register asked him to go to the next one and she would ring him up there. On the long trek to the next register two younger, faster hoodlums cut in front of him and stole his spot. I told him everything would be okay and assured him that these two delinquents will probably go to hell in the end anyways so if he would just step over to register two, I would personally check him out. He turns and heads that way mumbling something about how much he hates our store and how our policy must be 'the customer is always wrong.' I ring him up for a bag of dog food, two separate spot on flea treatments, and a flea comb. After hearing the total, he asks how much the flea treatments were. I tell him that one is $6.49 and the other is $9.99. He argues that they are both $6.49 and goes back to the shelf where he got them and brings back a price tag he had ripped off the shelf that reads $6.49. I explain to him that the price tag that he brought up belongs to the product that rang up $6.49 and that the other one is still $9.99. "Fine! I don't want it then!", he yells and throws the product across the store. I told him that was unnecessary and took the item off the total. He pays and asks if the computer doesn't update when a price changes in our backward store. I tell him that the prices are correct and tell him that I really didn't know what he was so pissed off about. He insists on taking me back to the flea section and showing me the incorrect price tag for the item he hurled. I walk back with him, picking up the product on the way, and put it on the shelf with the other like products above a price tag reading $9.99. "Oh." He says. "Well I'll take that one too, I guess". No apology. Granted, this kind of shit is not the sole reason why I am thinking of looking for employment elsewhere, but it sure as fuck doesn't help.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahahahah did that seriously happen?? damnit i miss all the fun

9:53 PM  
Blogger Corinthian said...

Hey Lacy! Glad you found me. Yes, that happened earlier this afternoon. It won't be the same without you laughing at my pain whenever that kind of shit goes down.

10:08 PM  
Blogger Mob said...

My heart weeps for you in your retail hell, my friend.

10:17 PM  
Blogger 4 Non Blogs said...

You have the patience of buddha, my friend. I would kill some idiot.

Good luck with the house.

11:38 AM  

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